aircraft modelling is perhaps not a matter of working to thousandths of an inch or millimetre, although a micrometer or other gauge might be used on wire or for checking the size of a drill, but again it may depend upon the scale of the model and the degree of detail being incorporated.
Usually we are dealing with Steel rules graduated in anything down to maybe sixty-fourths of an inch, or a metric rule with half-millimetre graduations. But whatever our measuring criteria might be, everything really depends upon a scale or dimensioned working drawing with which to set out the size of the model.
Queries about the accuracy of scale plans, and of actual aircraft dimensions is a matter that has occasionally cropped up over the past twenty years, but has gradually gathered strength during more recent times.
The general theme of modellers' questions has been on the lines of just how accurate are model kits, and how accurate are some of the model plans. Do they really represent true scale replicas of the original, particularly when the modeller may never come face to face with the real thing and only work with a plan as a guide, is it right or Wrong?